Sunday, May 20, 2007

Starting Channel Marketing

We are at the start of setting up channel market relations. has responded to my inquiry and requested additional business model information. Those who know me have requested of me not to be too conspiratorial! OK, there won't be another hospital charging you from the grassy knoll.

I have put together a good draft and is likely to be approved. I hope to get it out tomorrow AM. If we are successful in getting more positive feed-back, the whole process may take a long time. I hope it will be effective and efficient.

The other channel I hope to open soon is with insurance companies. The window has opened for me to enter there too. I will also pursue that direction.

Trust and fiduciary offices are another avenue. After direct calls, though, I find that the situations of end-of-life hospitalizations do not occur that often in the world of trust services. I don't know how to accept that. Maybe I just got offices where their clientele is younger and not likely to die. Either way, I will pursue, persist and continue...

The idea of channel marketing is to have other sources of business rather than what oneself can generate alone. In the firms I have worked in the past, the idea of channel marketing was embraced more by the firm with less to offer, but had more contacts. In Southwest Medical Bill Review & Recovery, we have a lot to offer, but need to get a fast and large footprint on the market. At this point, the pricing structure is workable and would enable us to grow with very little expense. Hopefully, we can get some links to other sites and contracts with some large number organizations. Our business model puts work, but not cost up-front to us. We can do it and make it very, very profitable.

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